What is Mosaic People?

What is this Mosaic People thing?

I have been on a journey of discovery for about 20 years asking this question. With every step to journey forward more and more has been discovered and uncovered in this creative analogy.

For me, Mosaic demonstrates the highs and lows in life and the beauty that comes when we offer up our brokenness to be used and not tossed to the side or thrown out with the trash. This discovery started while I was in my own healing process from some of life‘s blows. I wanted to learn the art of mosaic: And so, I set out to do that. As I got to the grouting process after creating so carefully (with the pieces of glass) my picture and began to dump grout on it, it seemed as if I was ruining everything. I felt this sinking in my heart.

As I started to wipe the grout and continued to wipe it, hope started stirring as the picture underneath became visible. Each crack was filled in with something strong. The more I wiped, the new picture emerged from the mess and it was actually better, and more beautiful than the original! I knew at that moment that this was my message and it needed to be shared.

We all have a mosaic story.

I am mosaic people.

You are mosaic people.

We are all mosaic people.


GO BOLDLY into the dreams of your heart!